Tuesday, 11 December 2007

Awesome Uluru

When we first arrived in Alice Springs I didn't like it. I felt unsafe. I think this is because we were warned about all the alcoholics around the place but this soon wore off after a sunbath and swim at the hostel. That night we also meet up with Stef and Pierceaser who are good friends of mine from home. They are also traveling for a few months and our paths crossed whilst in town. Was so lovely to see them.

The next day we headed out to Uluru with a great tour guide called Spud and a slightly better bus than the East Coast tour! Over the next 2 days we had champers watching Uluru change colour at sunset, listended to our guide play the didg around an open camp fire and made friends with some wild ozzy's and an american!

I nearly missed Sunrise at Uluru though. We pulled up at 5am I think and as we were picking spots for the best pics a Hungry Horse attack came on (for those in the know you can imagine my horror, for those who aren't you don't want to know!) Well with no convenience in sight I ran to the nearets plush looking coach I could find and found myself pleading with the driver to let me on. All I could imagine was all the Japanese tourists belonging to the coach wondering why some English girl was on board causing such a stench! How I managed to make sunrise I don't know but let's just say I wasn't that bad in India!!!! Poohie!


The girls x said...

I can't believe you put the hungry horse story on there, you have no shame. Love Kate. xxx

Anonymous said...

no shame at all!!! Love it!!!! Debsx

Jenny said...

Indeed, how funny. Anyway... sunset at Uluru was amazing with champagne and cheese and crackers and your four best friends - never mind about sunrise!