Tuesday, 11 December 2007

Fun with Flipper

As it was James birthday on the 26th of Nov I bought him the experience to swim with wild dolphins. The girls also joined us on this trip so it was off to Rockingham for early o'clock (again) to see if we could get a glimps of the dolphins. Once more it was on with the attractive wetsuits. I think one of the crew was trying to be kind to me when he clearly held up a suit 3 sizes too small. I saved him (and myself) any embarrassment by stating I was not going to fit into THAT suit! I was right.

Due to the dolphins being wild we weren't guarenteed to see them let alone be able to get into the water and swim with them. Quite early on we were in luck. We got into the water and saw a pod feeding off the back of an Eagle Wray!!! This was so exciting and I would have been happy with this but we were on board again in search of more.

Kate and I attempted to make hot drinks whilst the boat was speedign along. Let's just say it was like trying to make tea at 3am having come in after too many vinos without the fuzzy head. We couldn't stand still for the motion and the giggerling. Nightmare! Poor Kate ended up with the sweetiest coffee ever! Yuk!

The second sighting had us in the water for 45 minutes surronded by a pod of at least 15 dolphins by then end of it. Was an magical experience!

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Oh I can remember it so clearly, it definitely was magical! Am so glad you brought the underwater camera case with you James...! The binoculars, however, ... hahaha